Sunday, February 10, 2013

Purim a-cometh, peeps!

Sorry about the lapse of time in blogging... Google Adsense terminated my account for some unknown reason, so if I'm not making any money it's hard to spend time blogging. but anyway... what are you all doing for Purim? Got any Shlach monos ideas? Post links to your blog or tell me what you're making. IYH tomorrow I will post my cookie recipe, pictures of said cookies, and the box they will be in. Can't wait :).

1 comment:

  1. I am sending homemade mini-bagels (you can't get a decent bagel where I live) with tuna salad and egg salad. I made sesame, poppy and onion bagels. I'm also sending hamentaschen, because I think this minhag should not be forgotten, even though everyone else thinks it's really nebby. Dh insists on sending a grape juice or wine.

    I do not have a fancy box to send them in like you do, because people here do not have hasugos and the stores don't sell anything except teeny-tiny boxes or shopping bag. I'm sending them on an oval plastic plate. Four bagels in the middle, the salads in tiny containers on the sides and the hamenstaschen somewhere in there. I just need to figure out how to wrap it nicely. I'm not great with my hands or creative, so we shall have to see.


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